Apr 29, 2004

indecision 2004...

that's how the daily show is tagging the kerry v. bush slug-fest. you gotta dig bill maher's take on it. here's an exerpt.

"The true axis of evil in America is the brilliance of our marketing combined with the stupidity of our people. George Bush has $180 million to spend. With that kind of money, he could convince Americans to drink paint, and he probably will.

With enough money, you can convince people of anything. And that is what George Bush does. He is one of the most cynical presidents we?ve ever had, I believe, because with that kind of money, he plays on people?s fears, he plays on people?s ignorance, and he plays on people?s shortsightedness. "

Apr 22, 2004

what they don't want us to see....

an employee of a military contractor was fired for taking a picture of coffins flying back from iraq. the photo ran in the seattle times and later on numerous TV programs. here's the photo.

show and tell...

some things just shouldn't be collected.

Apr 21, 2004

RIP first amendment....

he doesn't need the publicity, but howard's re-worked website kicks ass. i like the new militant look.

israel's sham democracy...

read about what happens when you tell the truth about israel's nuclear weapons.

Apr 14, 2004

another iraq....

this story compares our iraq war to britain's in the 1920s.

Apr 13, 2004

i drink 'em, she collects 'em...

check this collection of 1280 beer labels from around the world.

Apr 11, 2004

trading places....

here's the home improvement project of my dreams.

Apr 6, 2004

reason #738 why we love booze....

here's yet another huge medical study that shows that moderate beer, wine, cider and liquor conspumption is actually good for you.

a reason to learn dutch...

here's a great collection of belgian and dutch beer labels.