Oct 31, 2008

Elderly drivers....

I just want to point out that the guy who did this is a full two years younger than John McCain.

Oct 27, 2008

The world's most bad-ass Chevy Cavalier

Actually, I think this is the world's only bad-ass Chevy Cavalier.

Tin foil hat time

Obama is a terrorist bomber pedophile with a love child hidden away on a Caribbean island! I read it on a blog somewhere!

Here's a treasure trove of this year's great right-wing Obama conspiracies.

Obama Mural, BKLN

Obama Mural, BKLN, originally uploaded by Scorrigan Works.

Obama Mural

Obama Mural, originally uploaded by sabeth718.

obama mural venice beach california

New Obama Mural on Hollywood Blvd.

Barack Obama Mural in Houston Texas (Houston Graffiti Art)

Greek squid

In moto terminology, a squid is a reckless wifebeater-and-flip-flops wearing young'un on a sportbike who rides stupid fast and usually hurts himself. You've probably seen them before. Here's a good squid vid....

Oct 23, 2008

Oct 17, 2008

Shit you don't want to eat

There's unhealthy food out there and then there's scary franken-food. Something tells me the Baskin-Robbins Heath® Shake should be avoided if you want to live past 25. It comes with 320% of your daily recommended allowance of saturated fat. Yum. Check out the ingredient list, too.

Shooting down deficit hawks

With the economy now firmly in the shitter, people like to talk a lot about "tightening belts." Tightening belts and reining in spending are good if you're managing your household budget, but don't believe the hype that cutting government spending during an economic downturn is necessary or good. It's not.

Check out Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman's op-ed today on the subject.

Oct 16, 2008

Gag me with an antique spoon

Why Walnuts McCain won't be our next president:

This ain't no photochop. It was actually taken by a Reuters photog during last night's debate.

Oct 9, 2008

Sarah Palin is..... 50 Cent?

This is just an awesome comparison. A. Serwer at Tapped says Palin reminds him of 50 Cent. Read on, it actually makes sense:

The conservative movement at this point basically reminds me of people who thought 50 Cent was going to be the greatest rapper ever because he had been shot nine times, not because he could actually flow. Let's face it, 50 is wack. He's wack like Sarah Palin is wack. But like Sarah Palin, he had a story that reflected the cultural values of realness and authenticity that hip-hop fans had come to place above actual rhyming ability. Most of these fans are not from the hood in the same sense that the folks at The Corner are not Real Americans(tm) from "flyover country," and they can't yet understand what the obsession with authenticity is doing to a movement they supposedly love.

Sarah Palin parking lot

Check out this recent parking lot action outside this Ku Klux Klan rally Sarah Palin rally in Ohio. The stupid! It hurts!

Oct 8, 2008

Oct 7, 2008

Caribou Barbie's strange odyssey

Here's a bewildering look into the icey heart and addled mind of Wasilla's village idiot. Enjoy.

Oct 2, 2008

Walnuts is a little bitch-boy

Why don't you go cry to your mommy!

Seriously. What a jackass. Republicans made a huge mistake voting for stupid-ass Walnuts over Mittens or Huckabeez.