Feb 14, 2009


I'm currently reading the massive Thomas Pynchon novel "Against the Day." It's fantastic and exasperating at the same time. Pynchon is an Official Tommorrow-Land-Certified Fucking Genius, but the book is also insanely complex. Characters come and go. Plot lines dodge and weave. There are references to shit that even the smartest people won't pick up. And because he's a postmodernist, you can expect him to throw a little supernatural stuff at you.

That's why I'm so fascinated that there's an actual "Against the Day" wiki devoted to explaining all the obscure details of the book. Comparing it to the Cliffs Notes version wouldn't do this justice. This wiki actually makes it more complicated.


D said...

look at you dropping lingo like "post modernist" enjoying that free lit. education hmmmm :)

ProblemWithCaring said...

sounds hellish - I have ADD or some shit...would never work for me...

Doug Just Doug said...

Your blog has won an award! Read all about it here: www.tiltedhorizons.com


Doug Just Doug

Anonymous said...

try finishing infinite jest you douchebag