Sep 10, 2008

Billy Badass

I must be on some kind of Billy Badass kick lately, because I'm getting a bike, got a fresh tat and am even considering growing a beard just for shits and giggles.

I've actualy wanted to get a tattoo for about a year or so, but could never decide what to get. It couldn't be something trivial, so I eventually decided to get my lovely wife's initials done up. Luckily my co-worker had a 70s-era graphic design book with tons of really cool stylized letters, so I chose one that captures not only Dionne's initials, but also what I call her on a daily basis -- Di (pronounced like "Dee," not the princess who got killed by the paparazzi).

I know it's probably not his most challenging piece of artwork ever, but I think I found a pretty damn good tattoo artist. Check him out my man Guzik here. I kinda want another one now!

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